
What is VOZ?

VOZ brings broadcast viewing on TV sets and granular BVOD viewing on connected devices together in a single, national, de-duplicated database

Virtual Australia, or ‘VOZ’, is the foundation of Australia’s ‘Total TV’ measurement standard. VOZ brings together broadcast viewing on TV sets and granular BVOD viewing on connected devices to provide truly national, de-duplicated, all-screen, cross-platform planning, trading and reporting for Australia’s media industry.

VOZ delivers a significant step change in the way Australian television is measured and evaluated, and became Australia’s trading currency on December 29th 2024.

VOZ Components and Capabilities

Viewers in OzTAM and Regional TAM panel homes (TAM)


individuals in metro and regional homes

Establishment Survey data


surveys per year

Streaming TV Meters


in panel homes

BVOD Measurement (VPM Service)


connected devices

OzTAM exclusive data attribution and
demographic modelling process


Total TV Currency Database

Planning Reporting Trading Post-Analysis

National, Metro & Regional, Rest of Australia coverage

Broadcast TV & BVOD viewing by device

Cross-screen campaign R&F

Incremental BVOD reach

VOZ reveals the Total TV picture

True-national, all-screen content consumption and campaign performance

Single source of truth

Aligning TAM and VPM measurement.

Gold Standard analytics

Objective, consistent and robust.

Supports business continuity

For current practices, with future-facing design to evolve with industry needs.

Truly national

De-duplication of overlap regions & metro/regional combinations for the first time.

All broadcast TV & BVOD

Live, on demand, by device, de-duplicated viewing.

Incremental BVOD reach

Extend broadcast TV reach and reveal younger & hard-to-find audiences.

cross-screen objectives

Single, national cross-screen campaign objectives now possible.

VOZ Dimensions


Daily (next day)

Screen types

TV, computer, tablet and smartphone

Viewing type

Overnight, Consolidated 7/28 ‘What Watched’ reporting and the capability to deliver ‘When Watched‘ reporting


A core subset of age/gender and grocery shopper demographics will be expanded over time.


National Total TV (including Rest of Australia): Metro and Regional (five mainland capital cities and aggregated regional markets including Rest of Australia), broadcast TV and BVOD across Free-to-Air networks (ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, SBS).


Existing TAM metrics: audience, TARP, reach, share etc. New Total TV metrics: audience, time spent viewing, only-only-both reach, BVOD incremental reach etc.

Roadmap to VOZ

VOZ has been developed through thorough industry consultation and collaboration, iterative testing and refinement, and a phased implementation approach.


OzTAM’s Video Player Measurement (VPM) service expanded to provide minute-by-minute measurement of BVOD viewing across all platforms and connected devices.


50% increase in number of OzTAM and Regional TAM panel homes.

Australia is among the world’s largest per capita people metered market.


Commencement of Streaming TV Meter (STVM) rollout in selected OzTAM and Regional TAM TV panel homes. STVMs measure all streamed content in the home and are used to inform OzTAM’s BVOD demographic modelling. They will also underpin a technology-based solution to address duplication of viewing to connected TVs and will be the basis of future streaming measurement services.


Introduction of VPM daily reporting including demographics.

Additional STVMs installed, bringing total to 2,500+ TAM panel homes.


Refinement of VOZ methodology and testing including the first release of VOZ test data and insights.

Co-viewing on connected TVs introduced to VPM service.

OzTAMs R & F Portal developed.

TPSS commence adapting their systems for VOZ.


With the completion of the VOZ production system, daily VOZ production and delivery of test data to agencies commences.


Further refinement of VOZ database & TPSS tools development with agency/broadcaster feedback.

VOZ incorporated into agency workflows.

VOZ insights inform campaign planning & post analysis.


VOZ Total TV data made available to the market on 1st May 2023.


From January, OzTAM moved to the delivery of Total TV reports as the public source of audiences consuming broadcaster content.

Major version update released 26th May with a reviewed co-viewing model for connected TV viewing.

Following extensive industry collaboration, 29th December 2024 announced as the industry transition date for VOZ as trading currency.

*Network content comprises viewing of metropolitan and regional free-to-air plus subscription TV and online (BVOD) services. This includes viewing through the television set (both live and played back up to 28 days later) and on connected devices such as connected TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones. Participating networks: ABC, Seven Network, Nine Network, Network 10, SBS and Foxtel.