Introducing VOZ
Australia’s first truly national picture of Total TV viewing on all screens
What is VOZ?
Virtual Australia, or ‘VOZ’, is the foundation of Australia’s ‘Total TV’ measurement standard, bringing together broadcast viewing on TV sets and granular BVOD viewing on connected devices to provide truly national, de-duplicated, all-screen, cross-platform planning, trading and reporting for Australia’s media industry.
Why is VOZ needed?
A clear picture
VOZ delivers a much clearer picture of viewing on all screen types, whenever and wherever it occurs.
Cross-screen evaluation
VOZ is the all-screen, cross-platform, planning and reporting standard for Australia’s television industry.
The new standard
VOZ is an objective, transparent and standard metric to evaluate TV performance across all screens and platforms.
Access the latest top line VOZ reports free
Subscribers can access VOZ data via Third Party Software Suppliers (TPSS), and the VOZ R&F (reach & frequency) portal.
VOZ market reports are available to view on our website.
VOZ Resources
All the information you need including User Guides, Explainers, Universe Estimates, Coverage Maps, Calendars, FAQ’s and Glossary.
VOZ Insights
The VOZ Total TV database delivers a much clearer picture of viewing on all screen types, inside and outside homes, than has been possible before.