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7th Apr

Broadcaster content

Comprises metropolitan and regional free-to-air and subscription broadcasters’ services and includes broadcast TV content watched on television sets (both live and played back through the TV set up to 28 days later) and BVOD watched on connected devices such as TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones. Participating BVOD broadcasters: ABC, Seven Network, Nine Network, Network 10, SBS and Foxtel.

Broadcaster content

Comprises metropolitan and regional free-to-air and subscription broadcasters’ services and includes broadcast TV content watched on television sets (both live and played back through the TV set up to 28 days later) and BVOD watched on connected devices such as TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones. Participating BVOD broadcasters: ABC, Seven Network, Nine Network, Network 10, […]

30th Apr

Broadcast TV

Broadcaster linear content received over-the-air via aerial, satellite or cable, and viewed on an in-home TV set, as distinct from broadcaster content delivered via the internet (BVOD). Broadcast TV can be watched ‘live’, ‘as-live’ or time-shifted (‘playback’).

Broadcast TV

Broadcaster linear content received over-the-air via aerial, satellite or cable, and viewed on an in-home TV set, as distinct from broadcaster content delivered via the internet (BVOD). Broadcast TV can be watched ‘live’, ‘as-live’ or time-shifted (‘playback’).

7th Apr

BVOD (Broadcaster Video on Demand)

Broadcaster content delivered online and watched on an internet-enabled device such as connected TV, computer, tablet or smartphone. BVOD can be watched live (‘live streaming’) or at a time the consumer chooses (‘on-demand’).

BVOD (Broadcaster Video on Demand)

Broadcaster content delivered online and watched on an internet-enabled device such as connected TV, computer, tablet or smartphone. BVOD can be watched live (‘live streaming’) or at a time the consumer chooses (‘on-demand’).

7th Apr

Cross-Screen Measurement

Measurement and reporting of broadcaster content consumed (including reach and frequency) across screens, capturing viewing on TV sets (whether connected to the internet or not), computers, smartphones and tablets.

Cross-Screen Measurement

Measurement and reporting of broadcaster content consumed (including reach and frequency) across screens, capturing viewing on TV sets (whether connected to the internet or not), computers, smartphones and tablets.

7th Apr


A connected TV (CTV) is a TV set that is connected to the internet which is required to stream video content.


A connected TV (CTV) is a TV set that is connected to the internet which is required to stream video content.

7th Apr

Establishment Survey

Determines the types of television audience measurement (TAM) panel homes needed to reflect the overall Australian population and is conducted via 65,000+ random phone interviews on both mobile and landlines annually. Questions include the number of working TVs in the home, presence of subscription TV services, who does the grocery shopping, etc., in addition to age, gender, occupation category and household income. Every home in OzTAM, Regional TAM and Rest of Australia coverage areas has an equal chance of being contacted to participate in the national Establishment Survey.

Establishment Survey

Determines the types of television audience measurement (TAM) panel homes needed to reflect the overall Australian population and is conducted via 65,000+ random phone interviews on both mobile and landlines annually. Questions include the number of working TVs in the home, presence of subscription TV services, who does the grocery shopping, etc., in addition to […]

7th Apr


VOZ provides true national, de-duplicated audience and reach & frequency estimates of all-screen broadcast TV and BVOD viewing. There are three types of duplication addressed in VOZ methodology:

  1. National view
    • VOZ unifies metropolitan and regional viewing to a national picture, accommodating viewing in overlap market areas (spill viewing*) and including a new regional market, Rest of Australia**, which is not included in TAM.

  2. Service measurement duplication
    • The VOZ database is produced to remove duplication of viewing that can arise by bringing together two measurement services to a TV set i.e., TAM (broadcast TV) and VPM (BVOD).
    • It is possible that current TAM measurement devices in TAM panel homes are picking up BVOD streaming viewing on connected TV sets that correspond to broadcast TV references.
    • The same BVOD viewing is being measured in VPM through SDKs.

      Current approach to resolving duplication:

    • VOZ 5.0 introduces a modelled approach to treat duplication via a post-production process to identify and remove matched viewing sessions from broadcast TV estimates and preserve them in BVOD estimates – creating a de-duplicated estimate for Total TV dayparts and program estimates.
    • On average across the day this modelled approach removes approximately 2% of broadcast TV viewing sessions. Note the level of duplication can vary by channel, daypart, and program.

  3. Person level
    VOZ derives person-level exposure to broadcaster content and advertising across all screens (TV sets, computers, tablets and smartphones), allowing unique viewers to be counted. That means people who have been exposed many times across screens can be counted as just one viewer reached in VOZ Total TV reach estimates.

    *Spill: in certain markets there are overlap areas where it is possible to view both metro and regional broadcast channels. ‘Spill’ is viewing to broadcast channels transmitted from a market that is outside of the market being analysed. For example, a vewer in Wollongong watches a broadcast that originated from Sydney, or a Brisbane viewer watches a broadcast that originated from the Northern Rivers.
    **Rest of Australia refers to all other regions of Australia outside of the existing OzTAM and Regional TAM markets, including the combined TV markets of Darwin, Remote Central + Mt Isa, Griffith, Mildura, Spencer Gulf (Port Pirie/Broken Hill) & Riverland/Mt Gambier.

VOZ provides true national, de-duplicated audience and reach & frequency estimates of all-screen broadcast TV and BVOD viewing. There are three types of duplication addressed in VOZ methodology:

7th Apr

Incremental Reach

Incremental reach refers to the unique and distinct reach that is achieved by one element in the overall screen mix, which then adds to the remainder of the mix. For example, BVOD delivers extra reach to people who were not reached via linear TV broadcaster viewing (in other words, among those people who only watched the content via BVOD).

Incremental Reach

Incremental reach refers to the unique and distinct reach that is achieved by one element in the overall screen mix, which then adds to the remainder of the mix. For example, BVOD delivers extra reach to people who were not reached via linear TV broadcaster viewing (in other words, among those people who only watched […]

7th Apr

Live Streaming

Broadcaster video on demand (BVOD) watched as a live linear stream on any connected device. The content may be a simulcast of the corresponding broadcast TV channel or exclusively streamed live via the broadcaster’s BVOD (online-only) service.

Live Streaming

Broadcaster video on demand (BVOD) watched as a live linear stream on any connected device. The content may be a simulcast of the corresponding broadcast TV channel or exclusively streamed live via the broadcaster’s BVOD (online-only) service.

19th Aug

National Total TV Database

Includes free-to-air and subscription television channels viewed in metropolitan and regional TV markets (including overlap areas) as well as the new regional aggregate market, ‘Rest of Australia’. Rest of Australia refers to all other regions of Australia outside of the existing OzTAM and Regional TAM markets, including the TV markets of Darwin, Remote Central + Mt Isa, Griffith, Mildura, Spencer Gulf (Port Pirie/Broken Hill) and Riverland/Mt Gambier.

National Total TV Database

Includes free-to-air and subscription television channels viewed in metropolitan and regional TV markets (including overlap areas) as well as the new regional aggregate market, ‘Rest of Australia’. Rest of Australia refers to all other regions of Australia outside of the existing OzTAM and Regional TAM markets, including the TV markets of Darwin, Remote Central + […]

19th Aug

Only-Only-Both Reach

Broadcast TV Only, broadcast video on demand (BVOD) Only, and BOTH (broadcast TV & BVOD) are mutually exclusive with viewing defined as at least 60 consecutive seconds of the content within a research day for broadcast TV and 15 consecutive seconds for BVOD:

  • Broadcast TV Only includes people viewing content exclusively via broadcast TV (i.e., no BVOD viewing)
  • BVOD Only includes people viewing content exclusively via BVOD (i.e., no broadcast TV viewing)
  • BOTH includes people viewing content via both broadcast TV and BVOD
Only-Only-Both Reach

Broadcast TV Only, broadcast video on demand (BVOD) Only, and BOTH (broadcast TV & BVOD) are mutually exclusive with viewing defined as at least 60 consecutive seconds of the content within a research day for broadcast TV and 15 consecutive seconds for BVOD:

7th Apr

Streaming TV Meters

A metering solution used within TAM panel households to measure the streaming activity to television broadcaster content within the home network via connected devices (e.g., connected TV, computer, tablet or smartphone).

Streaming TV Meters

A metering solution used within TAM panel households to measure the streaming activity to television broadcaster content within the home network via connected devices (e.g., connected TV, computer, tablet or smartphone).

7th Apr

Synthesised Population

A modelled representation of the entire Australian population using anonymised information from the national Establishment Survey to which broadcast TV and BVOD viewing is attributed.

Synthesised Population

A modelled representation of the entire Australian population using anonymised information from the national Establishment Survey to which broadcast TV and BVOD viewing is attributed.

7th Apr


Television Audience Measurement.


Television Audience Measurement.

30th Apr

Total TV

Total TV is defined as viewing to broadcaster/s content across all screens (TV sets, computers, tablets, and smartphones) including live or played back through the TV set (broadcast TV) and also internet-delivered broadcaster video on demand (BVOD) live streamed or on demand.

Total TV

Total TV is defined as viewing to broadcaster/s content across all screens (TV sets, computers, tablets, and smartphones) including live or played back through the TV set (broadcast TV) and also internet-delivered broadcaster video on demand (BVOD) live streamed or on demand.

7th Apr

Total TV Reach

The sum of all unique (de-duplicated) viewers who have watched broadcaster content during a specified time period via broadcast TV (for at least 60 consecutive seconds) or a BVOD service (for at least 15 consecutive seconds), on any screen.

Total TV Reach

The sum of all unique (de-duplicated) viewers who have watched broadcaster content during a specified time period via broadcast TV (for at least 60 consecutive seconds) or a BVOD service (for at least 15 consecutive seconds), on any screen.

30th Apr


Refers to Third Party Software Suppliers that access and process OzTAM, Regional TAM or VOZ data on behalf of subscribers. Subscribers have a choice of Gold Standard-accredited TPSS.


Refers to Third Party Software Suppliers that access and process OzTAM, Regional TAM or VOZ data on behalf of subscribers. Subscribers have a choice of Gold Standard-accredited TPSS.

30th Apr


OzTAM’s Video Player Measurement (VPM) service measures and reports all BVOD viewing played to connected devices, wherever those devices are located in Australia.


OzTAM’s Video Player Measurement (VPM) service measures and reports all BVOD viewing played to connected devices, wherever those devices are located in Australia.

7th Apr


The foundation of Australia’s Total TV reporting standard, bringing together broadcaster content viewed on TV sets and connected devices to provide all-screen, cross-platform planning and reporting.


The foundation of Australia’s Total TV reporting standard, bringing together broadcaster content viewed on TV sets and connected devices to provide all-screen, cross-platform planning and reporting.

7th Apr

What Watched

Measurement and reporting of viewing to linear TV content, whether live or in playback, attributed to the time of original broadcast (e.g., OzTAM and Regional TAM Consolidated ratings).

What Watched

Measurement and reporting of viewing to linear TV content, whether live or in playback, attributed to the time of original broadcast (e.g., OzTAM and Regional TAM Consolidated ratings).

7th Apr

When Watched

Measurement and reporting of viewing to broadcaster content at the time it was viewed.

When Watched

Measurement and reporting of viewing to broadcaster content at the time it was viewed.

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