

    Accessing & Using VOZ

    Access the VOZ database in a way that best meets your needs

    Subscribers to both OzTAM and Regional TAM Respondent Level Data can choose how to access the detailed VOZ database and integrate it with their own systems.

    Daily and weekly top line VOZ reports are available and free to view on the reports page of the website.

    VOZ subscribers have a choice of data access options.

    Third Party Software Suppliers

    VOZ Respondent Level Data can only be accessed using Gold Standard accredited software. OzTAM is working with a number of Third Party Software Suppliers (TPSS) to deliver VOZ Gold Standard (GS) accredited software. The OzTAM VOZ Gold Standard ensures the consistent calculation of audience estimates.

    R&F Portal

    An OzTAM-developed web access portal enables agencies and broadcasters to upload cross-screen campaigns and evaluate reach & frequency results.The Portal processes an individual campaign at a time with sourcing & creating the campaign the responsibility of the user. The Portal can be accessed via a web-based UI or via an API.
    The VOZ R&F Portal facilitates:

    1. The submission of input files for broadcast TV spots and BVOD impressions from agencies and broadcasters
    2. Execution of reach & frequency calculations
    3. Delivery of campaign reach & frequency reports to agencies and broadcasters

    VOZ Market Reports

    The VOZ website reports are a fixed set of predefined reports providing a top line snapshot of de-duplicated national Total TV viewing.
    Current reports include:


    • Total TV Overnight Top 30 Programs:
      – Free-to-Air programs ranked on national Total TV reach.
      – Total TV national and BVOD audience for the top 30 programs.
      – Overnight national cumulative reach of Total TV, Broadcast TV and BVOD

    • Total TV Consolidated 7 Top 30 Programs:
      – Free-to-Air programs ranked on national Total TV reach for the most recent consolidated 7 day.
      – Total TV national and BVOD audience for top 30 programs.
      – 7-day national cumulative reach of Total TV, Broadcast TV and BVOD.


    • Total TV ‘When Watched’ Reach: all day, Cumulative Reach, broadcast TV and BVOD by demographic.

    Guidelines to accessing VOZ

    Here’s a quick guide on how to access and interact with the VOZ database.

    Market reports

    View our latest reports and learn how you can use them.