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As part of the construction of VOZ, OzTAM’s VPM census level data is enhanced via BVOD demographic modelling to deliver person-based estimates of viewing to live and video on-demand streaming broadcaster content. In summary, the available demographics in VOZ include the following age, gender and Grocery Shopper groups. The standard demographics shown in the table below are the building blocks to create any customised demographics.

The core demographics that have been removed with the change to VOZ include Total Households, Age-groups of 16-24, 18-29, 25-44, 30-49, All Grocery Buyer (GB) related demographics and all Occupational Group related demographics. 

There will be in most cases demographics that closely align to any unavailable demographics in VOZ, and it is suggested that you speak with your planning team to help guide alternative options. 

The removal of the GB demographics is in line with the introduction of Grocery Shopper (GS) demographics. This newer GS demographic was introduced to reflect the change in the grocery shopping role within the home as it includes the main grocery buyers as well as alternate grocery shoppers within the home.