
VOZ In Use

VOZ is a highly detailed and sophisticated planning and reporting database

VOZ provides powerful new insights for advertisers, their media agencies and broadcasters.

Its benefits span advertising campaign planning & post-evaluation, and VOZ can also inform broadcasters’ programming & sales strategies.

Here are some examples of VOZ in campaign, programming & sales strategy.

Insights & Analytics

Applicable to program content

The true audience for a program beyond the broadcast TV.

Whether BVOD-first scheduling makes sense for a particular program, and how long to make the BVOD content available to play.

How the viewer moves between screens over time.

The combined reach of my cross-screen channel portfolio.

The extent to which my cross-screen assets complement one another in reaching specific targets.

How my cross-screen portfolio reach compares to competitors’.

The optimal use of my cross-screen assets in promoting programs.

Campaign planning

Applicable to advertising

How to optimise my cross-screen inventory in meeting client objectives for campaign spend, target audience reach & frequency.

The incremental audience reach BVOD can provide to a broadcast TV media proposal, to maximise the client’s investment.

Campaign optimisation

Applicable to advertising

How to manage my program and commercial inventory for maximum return (i.e., target audience and revenue optimisation).

Campaign post-evaluation

Applicable to advertising

How campaigns delivered against the client’s brief across TV/BVOD and devices.

Insights & Analytics

Applicable to program content

The combination of broadcast TV/BVOD channels and programs that are best suited to reach my target audience.

How historical broadcast TV and BVOD viewing patterns, and BVOD incremental reach, relate to future plannning and forecasting.

Campaign planning

Applicable to advertising

What my plan will deliver across different broadcasters, TV/BVOD and devices.

The most effective and cost-efficient content, platform and screen mix to drive unique reach for my plan.

The efficiency of TV and BVOD sales proposals.

The implications of historical BVOD and linear viewing patterns for my plan.

Campaign optimisation

Applicable to advertising

The optimal budget allocation across TV and BVOD to achieve my objectives.

How to leverage BVOD incremental reach to augment my broadcast TV plan.

How to re-calibrate my plan based on BVOD peaks and troughs, and incremental reach, observed so far during my campaign.

Campaign post-evaluation

Applicable to advertising

How my plan delivered across different broadcasters, TV/BVOD and devices.

How broadcast TV and BVOD reach compared across my campaign period.

Where BVOD peaks and troughs occurred across my campaign period, and the audience-based reasons behind them.

How BVOD and broadcast TV peaks and troughs compared across the campaign.

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