

VOZ Gold Standard accredited

third party software modules

OzTAM continues to foster an open software market for its data, which provides subscribing clients a choice of software suppliers that operate within the OzTAM Gold Standard software accreditation process. The following TPSS are actively investing to develop and supply software solutions for the processing of OzTAM’s VOZ data.

TVmap VOZ Reach & Frequency Module
Campaign Forecast, Tracking & Post Analysis

TVmap VOZ Reach Curves
Program or Timeslot Average Audience and Reach

TVmap VOZ Ranking Report
Reach contribution by Broadcast TV and BVOD

TVmap VOZ Analyser
Average Audience, Cumulative Reach, Potential, Time Spent Viewing

TVmap VOZ Program Analyser
Comprehensive Broadcast TV and BVOD program/series/genre analysis

VOZ Standard Analysis report builder:

Top Program reporting on a What Watched (consolidation) basis for Total TV, Broadcast TV and/or BVOD

Day-Part reporting on a What Watched (consolidation) basis for Broadcast TV and When Watched basis for total TV, Broadcast TV and/or BVOD.

Share reporting on a When Watched basis for Total TV, Broadcast TV and/or BVOD.

VOZ Visual Schedule Builder module for VOZ R&F
Campaign reporting across Metro, Regional and National combined schedules for Total TV, Broadcast TV and/or BVOD.



Cumulative Reach
Top Programs by Audience

Top Programs by Reach

Network Analysis

Share of Viewing

BVOD Reach

Network Reach


Time module

Program module: Broadcast TV, BVOD &

Total TV for FTA Overnight & Consolidated 7

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