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The move from the existing TAM TV ratings service to the VOZ Total TV ratings service brings a number of firsts to the industry:
- All metropolitan and regional markets brought together into a single, truly-national database view
- Broadcast TV viewing and BVOD viewing together for all connected devices (TVs, Computers, Tablets, Phones)
- Incorporating methodology for broadcast TV viewing deduplication at Connected TV sets
- A currency for BVOD viewing
- Including co-viewing at Connected TV sets
- Development and implementation of a new measurement methodology
- A migration from a broadcast TV only sample projected database to a complete fully granular broadcast TV and BVOD national Australia synthetic population
- The granularity of the census measured BVOD viewing is retained
- New longitudinal reach methodology (deduplicated across screens) for incremental audience estimates of viewing via BVOD only.
- When Watched (and What Watched) viewing available the next day
These unique benefits of VOZ need to be taken into account when making direct comparisons for broadcast TV results from TAM.